The Zara Yacob Trail : 3rd leg (Mendida to Sirti)
The Zara Yacob Trail : 2nd leg (Debre Berhan to Mendida)
The Zara Yacob Trail : 1rst leg (Ankober to Debre Berhan)

Equus Ethiopia trail blazed the first edition of the 300Km Zara Jacob Trail last week. It runs from the forest of Wof Washa (near Debre Birhan, on the Eastern Escarpment) and the Ankober Palace Lodge to Menagesha Suba (a … Continue reading →
Why Zara Yacob?

Equus’ Zara Yacob trail which will take place in a couple of weeks is based on the story of the great 15th eponymous Ethiopian emperor. You can read about the Zara Yacob Trail here and here, and also download the … Continue reading →
The Chinaman, the Bad and the Ugly

Equus just finished another trek to the forest of Menagesha Suba, and the guest and horses pulled in safely – and just about dry! – this Friday. Our guest, Eric Sorensen, whom if I am to believe the guide who … Continue reading →
Community tourism in Lepis – it takes a village?

Equus Ethiopia has been providing training and on-going technical support to a new community based horse trekking endeavor in Arsi, on the lip of the Rift Valley looking down on Lake Langano. We just came back from our … Continue reading →
Equus galloping ahead

Equus has had a very good week: Two treks went out to the forest of Menagesha Suba – one of them with two seven year olds! (miraculously both treks seemed to dodge the rain). The two kids came … Continue reading →

Equus Ethiopia has availability on two of its three day rides over the next two months, both to the unique Montane forest of Menegesha Suba, which is to be the second port of call for the Zara Yacob Trail, named after the … Continue reading →
The Zara Yacob Trail – first steps

Two weeks ago, Equus – read Yves Stranger, the horse trekking outfit’s groom – in – chief – announced it was going to initiate The Zara Yacob Trail at the end of May, Ethiopia’s first highland horse trekking route. … Continue reading →